Lot 6208 

英國 200鎊 2盎司 999金 雕刻師系列 Two Hundred Pounds ,2OZ,999gold 径約40.0mm 重約62.4g 厚約3.1mm; 皇家造幣廠原盒,發行量僅131枚,此種套盒共髮型125個,此枚編號007。FDC in the Royal Mint box of issue with certificate number 007, Only 131 pieces minted with just 125 in this presentation format

Close by Order : 2024-02-21 21:23:52
Starting price : HKD 100
≈ JPY 2,024  ≈ USD 13   ≈ CNY 91   ≈ EUR 12  
Current price: HKD    47,500       (Bid numbers:58)
    ≈ JPY 961,538 ≈ USD 5,962 ≈ CNY 43,365 ≈ EUR 5,577
Total(fee15%,no tax)HKD:54,625
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Description 英國 200鎊 2盎司 999金 雕刻師系列 Two Hundred Pounds ,2OZ,999gold 径約40.0mm 重約62.4g 厚約3.1mm; 皇家造幣廠原盒,發行量僅131枚,此種套盒共髮型125個,此枚編號007。FDC in the Royal Mint box of issue with certificate number 007, Only 131 pieces minted with just 125 in this presentation format

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