NORTH KOREA 北朝鮮 A collection of pattern “試作品“ coins 1995~2004 Proof

No. : 271534
Classification : [世界貨幣 world currency][アジア貨幣 Asian currencies]
Auction company : オークション•ワールド
Bid price : 1,887,000 JPY
1,700,000 (Excluding consumption tax and  fee)
Closing date : 2023-10-15
Explain : 60Differents design coins,each in Alminum,Brass and Silver.60種のデザインコイン 各アルミニウム打.黄銅打.銀打の3種類の素材.裏面に“試作品“の陰刻. 額面はアルミニウム,黄銅貨は1枚(3Won)を除き全て“1Won“,銀打貨は“10Won“(31g×50) “20Won“(42.216g×6) “50Won“(70g×1) “7Won“(20g×3,長方形) 計180枚組 Lot of Authenticity for 57 different design coins 製造数,アルミニウム打と黄銅打は各30枚,銀打貨は各20枚 Mintage 30pcs each for Alminum and Brass coins,20pcs each for Silver coins 返品不可 要下見 Sold as is No returns
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