BELIZE ベリーズ Lot of Bank Notes 紙幣各種 UNC

No. : 246170
Classification : [世界貨幣 world currency][未分類]
Auction company : オークション•ワールド
Bid price : 21,090 JPY
19,000 (Excluding consumption tax and  fee)
Closing date : 2023-04-16
Explain : 1Dollar 1983 P-43,1987 P-46c//2Dollars 1990 P-52a//10Dollars 1990 P54a/5Dollars 1996 P-58//2Dollars 1999 P-60a//5Dollars 2002 P-61b//10Dollars 2002 P-62b//5Dollars 2003 P-67a (Total $447) 返品不可 要下見 Sold as is No returns
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