GREAT BRITAIN George VI ジョージ6世(1936~52) Lot of Minor Coins F~EF

No. : 141769
Classification : [世界貨幣 world currency][ヨーロッパ貨幣 European currency][イギリス Great Britain]
Auction company : オークション•ワールド
Bid price : 3,996 JPY
3,600 (Excluding consumption tax and  fee)
Closing date : 2020-01-20
Explain : 1/2Crown 1947,48,49,50 / Florin 1947,48,49(×2) / Shilling 1947(×2),48(×4),49,51 / 6Pence 1947(×2),48(×2),49,50,51(×2),52 / 3Pence 1937(×3),38,39,40,41(×4),42(×3),43(×2),44(×2),45(×2),50,52 / Penny 1937,38,39(×2),40,44,45,46,47(×2),48,49,50,51 / 1/2Penny 1937,38,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,51,52 / Farthing 1937,38,39,41,42,43,44,45(×2),46(×2),47,48,49,50,51,52 アルバム入り 返品不可 要下見 Sold as is No returns 国内送料別途500円(海外発送不可 Overseas shipping unavailable)
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